In the Art Room

Thank You.

Thank you to old readers. Thank you to new readers. Thank you for showing up.  Thank you for your support. Thank you for allowing me to provide a space in which we can all come together and feel like we belong to a larger group of over worked, under appreciated and occasionally frustrated art teachers. Thank you to those of you who come to my defense against others who just don’t get it. Thank you for sticking by me and each other. Thank you for understanding.

I wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving.

Now go eat another piece of pie.


One thought on “Thank You.

  1. Yvonne deCordova says:

    This year we went with brownies and icecream with toppings. Thanks for the space to vet the frustrations that go along with having your role and contribution mis-understood. I’ve pulled up the research cited by NJ which demonstrates that children, that are exposed to high quality art instruction are more likely to go to college and hold higher level positions in their careers. Seriously, messing with the board’s understanding of what I do. I plan on doing my doctural research on elementary students and the effects of exposure to higher order reasoning skills in art on test scores. Specifically, on those questions which require reasoning and persistance for completion. Anyone interested in doing parallel research to expand the data? I really think this is the way to secure our jobs and increase the respect we receive for our efforts.


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