Small scraps and weekend links
Small Scraps

Small Scraps & Weekend Links

free choice art day

This Week’s Highs

  • I have been having “Free Choice Art Day” in my art room this week (and last). I have these days at the end of every quarter. I love these days, even though they tend to be a bit chaotic, but the students get so creative and they have a blast. I wish every day could be free choice day.
  • I had a parent of a 4th grade student tell me that her son is loving art for the first time. I have never had him in art before, and I am told he is expressing interest in drawing and other activities when he previously thought art was no fun. I do not have to tell you how great this made me feel.
  • Due to snow days and early release days, it has been quite awhile since I have seen my Kinders. When I saw them this week, they told me that they wish every day was art day. Love them!
  • I had my mid-year evaluation meeting with my principal and assistant principal. It went wonderfully. They were very complimentary and rated me “highly effective” in more than one area. They praised me on my handling of a challenging class and my rapport with students. Although I have been teaching for quite some time, it is hard for me to really know how I am doing, so it feels good to hear this feedback. And while I was flattered, I was also slightly insulted for our profession, when the comment was made that they wish they could take me out of the art room and put me into a general classroom. As if the art room does not deserve good teachers too. But I tried not to take it that way since I know they had the best intentions when they made the remark. But still, you know?

Free choice art day

This Week’s Lows

  • It seems like everything was due this week, SMARTR goal updates, grades, mid-year evaluations and self-reflections… it has been very draining.
  • I was hoping to have my classes back into the swing of things after our BIG blizzard, but we continue to be interrupted by assemblies, fire drills, fundraisers and assessments.
  • I had a sub in my room for 30 minutes while I was at my mid-year evaluation meeting, and I returned to a scene that can only be described as disastrous and chaotic. My room had not been that trashed since… ever.

warm hearts student work

Weekend Links

  • This interesting article discusses whether or not creativity is really as welcomed in the real world as we are led to believe. It’s a good read.
  • How many times have we seen this? Happens all the time. So annoying, but can anyone really explain why it bugs us so much? I can’t.
  • Someone transformed Van Gogh’s The Bedroom painting into a real room, now available on Airbnb.
  • Totally crushing on these shoes.
  • I love the use of color in this living room.
  • I did a variation of this lesson by Painted Paper with my Kinders this week, and the results were so adorable.
  • I made these warm hearts, seen on Art Projects for Kids, with my 1st graders. They were fun and very successful.
  • My recent attempt at controlling yarn tangles. It was very successful, until the sub fiasco I mentioned above.

Hope you have a great weekend! Don’t forget to follow Art Teachers Hate Glitter on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for more behind the scenes photos, anecdotes and lesson ideas.
